
Archive for December, 2007

Speaking of stuff, just about all of mine is in boxes.  (It’s 8 am and the movers will be here in exactly 24 hours for the final move to Marysville.)  I have been looking at all these boxes and wondering where it all came from, and realizing what I have dragged with me all the way from back East when I moved to California many years ago.  OK, we’ll get into my reverence for paper and other old, well, stuff, some other time.  But do I really need to keep the ticket stub from the class trip to the Seaquarium when I was 9?  Maybe I can sell it on eBay.  And why have I been holding on to the license for my bike from my freshman year at college?  Wait.  I know why.  It’s a big chunk of forged metal for one thing, not some flimsy decal. Two, it’s blue. Our class color. Three, it has the school name on it.  And four, now that I have found it tucked away in a box of pressed corsages and grade school report cards, I think it will look cool on the back of my current bike.  Oh. Wait. Yeah.  I just donated the bike.  The license stays.  Maybe if I get a lawn mower. (Which depends on if I can grow some lawn!)

To Do:  1. Get new bike. 2. Check out bike lanes in M’ville. OK, I will *walk* it across busy E Street, just like when I rode my bike to Emerson Elementary in the fourth grade.  Fourth grade? Ah, here’s my report card from Mrs. Bennett’s homeroom. Hmmm, Absent Days: 4 (mumps!) Tardy Days: 0.  Musta been the streamers on the Rollfast. Very aerodynamic. And multi-colored.  My first two-wheeler. That was the best bike in the world.   It had everything but a nice blue metal license to match the metallic blue chassis.   I had that bike so long it went to college with me freshman year, where they drilled two holes in the back fender to attach the license plate.  Ah, right.  That’s why I kept this license. It was last used on the bike that went with me from 4th grade through 16th grade.  (Yesss…I took the streamers off in high school. I am not a total dork!)  Can’t throw that away. I might just want to put it on my new bike.  Maybe I’ll get streamers, too. 

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The Gentle Giant shrugged its shoulders and said, “So, you want to be in Marysville by Christmas? No problem.”  Actually, it was Maxine.  She works for Gentle Giant, my moving company that is affiliated with Atlas Van Lines, (natch!). And while they won’t be carrying the world on their shoulders next week, it might feel like it. They’re moving my world. All my stuff.  (And you know what George Carlin had to say about stuff!)   Well the stuff is being packed this Friday and moved to M’ville the next.   The challenge is — what, besides Jet, Josh and my computer comes with me in the car to camp out until the stuff and new appliances arrive?  Let’s see. We’ve got the blow-up bed, water bowl, Chicken Jerky and a wire brush.  Now what’ll I bring for the dog? (BaDum CHING!!)   Good thing I can see Jack’s (in his Box) from my bedroom window.  But how about the local fare I’ve started sampling?  No worries.  I have plates and forks, etc. at the house already and now thanks to a new delivery service in Yuba City, I can continue my Dine Around in the comfort (well sorta comfort) of my new old house.  A local family-owned and operated business, All Great Eating is steadily adding to its list of participating restaurants, with an aim to have the greatest variety of cuisines represented.  Even now for a modest charge you can have them deliver your favorites from The Refuge, Dancing Tomato Cafe, Star of India, Opa Greek, Sopa Thai, Casa Lupe, and others.  View the menus on their website or just call and recite your usual dishes by heart. Global tastes, big city convenience, with the friendly personal service you usually only find in a small town.  Hmmm good.   I wonder where I can order some Pupperoni for The Boy….

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