
Archive for January, 2008

Blogger, Where Art Thou?

I’m baaaaack…tempest tossed and topsy-turvy, but I am now in Marysville for good! I was determined to put up my Christmas tree in my new hometown, and I did. And I finally took it down yesterday. In the days between I unpacked, scrubbed, dusted, painted, arranged, fixed, attached, Swiffered, Dirt Deviled, stacked, installed…well, you get the picture. The Great Storm of early January knocked out my power for three days and played havoc with my phone and cable. The good folks at PG&E, AT&T and Comcast remedied all, and I am finally back on the grid of life. I was starting to feel a bit untethered from the world, without TV or the Internet. Luckily, there was KUBA and the A-D to keep me in the loop. (Note to the Newspaper Delivery League: The Appeal-Democrat easily beats both the Bee and the NY Times for best Subscriber Service and Front Porch Aim. The A-D deliverer must have a Cy Young-worthy arm – and in the dark no less. The Bee and the Times barely make it to the lawn. The whole idea of home delivery is being able to read the paper without having to go put on shoes!) My mom was worried about my spending the holidays alone, but new friends here made sure that didn’t happen. My around the corner neighbor, Kathy Sedler, stopped by with homemade Christmas cookies and an invitation to join her husband and son for Christmas dinner. Jet was invited, too, and got along well with Annie, the Sedlers’ springer spaniel. New Year’s Eve, it was off to Kelly’s Victorian Restoration Project for chili and a spirited game of Cranium. Fortunately, our team did not have to hum any hits by The Clash and we squeaked out a victory. All in all, it was a good way to wrap up 2007. New Year, New House, New Town, New Friends, New Life.

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