
Posts Tagged ‘county’

Are you getting ready for tomorrow’s cattle drive?  I guess the steer on F Street during the Marysville Stampede this Spring was just a preview. It’s the kick-off event for the 150th Yuba-Sutter Fair. I got a sneak peek at the fairgrounds last night. I was asked to help judge the entries in the Yuba Sutter Regional Arts Council competition. (I am proud to say that I am a new member of the Council’s board of directors.)  The art was in Franklin Hall and walking over to it gave me a chance to see some of the set-up being done.  Hay bales being piled up, tents being pitched, banners being hung. It’s exciting and I can’t wait to explore the whole dang thing. High on my must-see list: cavies (cavys?) and other small critters, a performance by Plasterman (who??),  quilting, history and horticulture displays, the donut biting contest and all of the carnival. Whew. I’m pooped already.  Click here for the full schedule, and come on over! 

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