
Posts Tagged ‘Peach Festival’

I went to my first City Council meeting last night. I have been meaning to go for about a year now.  Maybe it was the dreary weather, but the council members and staff seemed in need of a B-12 shot or some caffeine; the energy level was almost zero. I had expected a lot more enthusiasm or at least more than a monotone. Got so I was waiting for Ben Stein to appear and start intoning, “Bueller.  Bueller.”  

The award for most lively presentation went to the Yuba College professor who gave an articulate and well-reasoned support for Casino Marysville being allowed to offer No Limit Hold’ Em.  So I guess that makes two of us who watch WSOP and Poker After Dark.  (Whoever thinks Phil Hellmuth is a crybaby narcissist, raise your hand.)

Glad to see we’ll probably be putting in more red-light cameras around town. The new ones even come with a collision avoidance feature: if the sensors detect someone running the red, they delay the opposing lights from turning green.  These silent traffic officers have reduced collisions and injuries dramatically, so it always amazes me when people object to them.  The only people objecting to the system, it seems, are those who have gotten a ticket because of it.  Well, too bad.  Break the law, pay the penalty. 

Congratulations to new Marysville Police Officer Shannon King, who is being brought up from the reserves to a full time position.  

Speaking of Shannons, Shannon Jacobsen presented a proposal to expand our Peach Festival from two to three days.  Good idea.  Now let’s all get out and promote it.  Tell four of your friends from out of town to tell four of their friends, etc., and let’s everybody come out for it this year.  More vendors, more visitors…it all means more revenue for the city, in addition to it being a great family outing.  Step One: change the year on the website, which still reads 2008. 

The Council voted to accept a donation of $1,500 from a local loan company, to purchase police vehicle equipment.  Now if only Starbucks will send them over some coffee.

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Spent a few hours at the Peach Festival on Saturday.  I give it a B+.  Plenty of parking, plenty of people.  It’s great that it is all free, so everyone can enjoy it.  Via Magazine had listed it in their events calendar, so I hope we drew a lot of out-of-towners, despite gas prices. KCRA covered the kick-off, too. We need more events like this in town. Given the number of stands selling BBQ, shaved ice, hot dogs, etc., (and the many producers of comestibles in the area), maybe Marysville is ready for a food festival! 

Some vendors, in addition to the actual farmers/growers, did make an effort to incorporate something peachy into their offerings, but I think maybe the theme needs to be more strongly encouraged.  The permanent businesses that chose to stay open with their own peach-themed bits were a little hidden away since their sidewalk fronted the backs of the exhibitor spaces.  Kinda like walking down an alley back there.  My first stop was Amicus Books, where I picked up a neat little notepad and two used paperbacks, one about ancient Egypt and one of some personal essays by Clive Bell, Virginia Woolf’s brother-in-law. Yes, two completely different topics, but typical of the quirky treasures you can find there.

The rides looked fun for the kiddies.  I didn’t bring Jet, but I should have. There were plenty of pups in the crowd, and the His and Hers pet shop was giving away canine cookies.  But dogs were the only substitute for the overall lack of livestock….I like a petting zoo, don’t you?  I thought I saw a set-up for some pony rides; I just didn’t see any ponies.  Another suggestion for next year…more music.  In addition to the stage performances, I would have liked so more street musicians and other performers, to up the energy a few notches. 

Nonetheless, it was a good day, and the organizers are to be applauded.  In the meantime, I am still waiting for the peaches on my own tree to ripen.  The apricot crop is gone, the oranges are down to a few, and the Meyer lemons mere buds, so I am ready for some new fruit.

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Ran over to the Farmer’s Market (OK, I drove) this morning to get some “bacon bits” (OK, they’re more like bacon chunks), from the the Country Butcher stand. Melinda (her family owns the business) wasn’t there last week — she went camping and apparently was already getting grief today from her regular customers. Well, when you want your smoked meat, you want your smoked meat.  They have a shop in Marysville, so you really don’t have to wait until the weekend, come to think of it. (They’re at 5860 Feather River Blvd.)  Speaking of bacon, I also am a big fan of the peppered applewood smoked variety at the Save Mart, but there is something about the chunks (I guess it would be the shape) that adds a certain character to salads and omelets.  Plus….it’s bacon! 

The market was still ripe with peaches, nectarines, my new favorite fruit, the pluot, berries, ten different kinds of squash, heirloom tomatoes, and yellow melons (I saw those only at Jim’s Produce — my CSA farmer over in Wheatland).  I got some green tomatoes for a Sunday brunch fry-up. 

The market was also ripe with — people!  It’s great to see so many coming out to the market, and the spaces around the fountain square are filling up. The Great Harvest bread stand was doing a brisk business; I am still eating my delicious peasant-style loaf I bought from them last Saturday. It keeps a long time. I wonder if they would consider baking demi-loaves for smaller households. That way we could taste more flavors each month. Maybe they have them over in their store (Butte House Rd. in the Rite-Aid shopping center).

I did stop at the Save Mart on the way home — to get a half pound of that applewood smoked bacon for BLTs. Look for it at the butcher’s counter; it’s not pre-packaged, and it’s only $2.99 a pound.  Between that and Cowboy’s BBQ outside, you’re all set in the meat dept. for any weekend party. 

OK, it’s off to the Peach Festival.  You’re going, aren’t you?

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